Friday 19 December 2008

Participation Culture, Creativity & Social Change video

One of our members forwarded on the below link to a great lecture by David Gauntlett on YouTube. Although it's 10 minutes long, I really would recommend watching it - from a Popular Media perspective, he explains very simply what we, as individuals, can do to make a difference to both social and environmental issues that affect each and every one of us today.

Just click on the green starfish below...

David Gauntlett's inaugural lecture, 'Participation culture, creativity, and social change', from 12 November 2008: the key themes in ten minutes
© 2008 YouTube, LLC

Thursday 11 December 2008

Welcome to the Vegblog!

Well, through the encouragement of a number of different members, here we are, nearing our 18 month anniversary, and Canalside has its very own blog!
Through this blog we're hoping to bring you more regular updates from the field, more general information on what else is happening on the project, as well as pointing you in some interesting recipe directions and connecting you with other schemes, projects, petitions and events that are happening out there in both the world of veg growing and eating and wider sustainability campaigns.
You also get to share your voice with us and other members, by commenting on anything you read. We look forward to reading any of your comments and/or suggestions - we always love to hear what you're thinking, so don't be shy!
Well, the Winter newsletter beckons, and a whole lot of recipe inspiration for the festive period, so that's it for now.
Wishing you all warm winter blessings, and cosy evenings filled with much fire and feasting!